XCella and DNA

I composed 2 songs this week :). One song given to XCella and the other "maybe" DNA. Been trying to compose few days but x idea bah then while I was in the studio, tengah2 main piano (cari ilham) then I get dia punya first phrase, then sya develop from there. XCella might be coming next monday for the recording session, will do 2 songs. So far 2 songs had been recorded, 2 songs this monday and another 6 more to go :(, well orang bilang palan2 bah.

DNA had completed 9 songs. 1 song, tune had been laid tapi x lyrics.. emailed to DNA members if anyone got a good lyric idea.. so far no feedback :).

Anyway, have a good weekend guys. See u again minggu depan.

ps: notice that this blog a bit boring without picture. will try to capture some of the action in the studio utk kamurang hehehe.


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